“Small Hydroelectric Plant ELEOUSA”

Participation in the construction of the project: “Small Hydroelectric Plant ELEOUSA”

The project is located on the right abutment of Axios river by the side of an existing irrigation dam, which belongs to the Ministry of Public Works by TERNA S.A for Public Power Corporation Renewabels – TERNA ENERGY S.A. The project began in 2005 and was completed in 2008.  The small hydro plant, exploits the large discharge of Axios, under a short energy head created by the dam. The main structures of the project are: The fore bay and the power house, located at the right river bank, the tail raise channel and the powerhouse that hosts two (2) Kaplan  PIT-Type units, housed in the powerhouse.

Average annual production: 30GWh

TL 400KV Patra – Megalopolis HVC

Participation in the construction of the project: “TL 400KV Patra – Megalopolis HVC”

  • Complete construction of foundations in existing towers
  • Construction of 183 new towers
  • Incubation of phase conductors with a total length of 66.093 km
  • Design and procurement of the Optical Ground Wire OPGW, the underground optic cable and the necessary fittings, a total length of 115,863 km

The project in question is of an industrial and energy category for the construction of base and trunk constructions, electromechanical category for packing operations and electronic equipment for ODF operations.