Ionia Odos Motorway

Ionia Odos motorway of an approximate length of 196 km. from Antirio to Ioanina (Egnatia Odos I/C). This motorway is of paramount importance, both at a social and at developmental level.

This is a project that crosses two regions and four counties, thus meeting a long-existing demand and giving a new impetus for growth. Technical features of the project include among others: 24 bridges of a total length of 7 km., 4 tunnels of a total length of 11,2 km., 77 underpasses and 24 overpasses.

New Ways Development Works:
Land Surveying
Detailed Alignment Design

Ladonas Dam

River Ladonas rises from the Aroania mountains of Achaia. A dam has been built in the area creating the artificial lake of Ladona. The water of the lake provides energy to the hydroelectric factory. The Dam was initially built in 1955, its length is 102m, height 56m and the capacity is 57,600,000 m³

New Ways Development Works:
Land Surveying
Preliminary & Detailed Design
Environmental Impact Assessments